Does Securing Your Home Have to Cost an Arm and A Leg?

Cutting-edge security systems are not your only option: there are many inexpensive ways to secure your home. Even if you have a large budget to protect your home, it would be foolish to neglect the valuable measures that are the cornerstone of home security. Here are the top free and inexpensive anti-theft measures that you can implement immediately.
Keep Doors and Windows Locked
Well, good habits go a long way. Robbery statistics indicate that many burglars only look for easy targets: Most burglaries occur during the day ( mostly between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.). They are usually completed in 8 to 10 minutes. 34% of burglars enter through the front door, 23% through the second-floor window. Thieves look for easily accessible property in homes that are likely to be empty. Therefore, lock your windows and doors when not in use, even when you’re at home.
Reinforce Doors, Windows, Locks, and Equipment
How to deal with weak and fragile doors but rock-solid windows or lock fittings? A well-placed kick could easily allow someone to enter your home within seconds. Therefore, it’s preferable to examine all entry points, especially those on the second floor, and replace, repair, or even reinforce them if necessary.
Update Your Locks
If it’s been a while since you updated your locks, you should do an inventory immediately! Are some locks damaged? Are there extra keys that may be floating around with strangers? Are some exterior padlocks easy to pick, break or open? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it might be time to change the keys on your locks or replace them with more tamper-proof versions. To get started, make sure all exterior doors are equipped with ANSI Class 1 or 2 deadbolts.
Consider replacing exterior doors that are thin, hollow, or broken. You can also add additional support with a door barricade or security bar.
- Door Hardware – ensure that the strike plate (the metal piece on the door jamb where the lock bolt enters) is correctly installed with screws at least ¾ inches long. This ensures that the latch bolt cannot be quickly forced out of the door jamb. Door reinforcement kits also include strike plates and other hardware to reinforce weak points in a doorway.
- Sliding doors – add an auxiliary foot lock or place a pin in the tracks to physically prevent the door from sliding by force.
- Windows – add window locks, bars, or use this checklist for more burglary protection ideas.
Use Motion-Sensing Lights Inside and Out
Turn ordinary lights into motion sensor lights by switching to motion sensor bulbs or screwing a motion sensor adapter between a standard bulb and a socket. Outdoors, they’ll shine a spotlight on anyone watching your property, and visibility alone may be enough to keep potential intruders out. If they venture inside, the indoor versions will make it harder for them to move around undetected. Learn more about how to deter burglars with light.
Keep Your Valuables Out of Sight
Avoid being too flashy with your valuables, especially when not in use. Keep all your easy-to-grab pieces of stuff safely in the garage. Use blinds, curtains, or any opaque window treatments to keep passers-by from peeping into your home. Don’t leave jewelry, electronics, cash, or important personal documents in plain sight. Keep your most precious belongings and documents in a home safe.
Be Smart with Your Security Key
Hiding a key in a predictable place such as under the carpet or a flower pot near the door makes it far too easy for opportunistic burglars. Instead, give an extra key to a trusted neighbour, find unexpected rotating hiding places, or, better yet, take an inexpensive combination safe and put it in a hidden spot. It doesn’t cost anything to be a little more careful.