Common Home Security Mistakes That Put You at Risk (Part 1)

There’s no denying that today burglary has become more common than ever. But, what if I told you that most burglaries occur because of our lack of common sense?
Don’t believe me?
Go through these common home security mistakes that we often unconsciously make that compromise the security of our homes.
#1. Assuming That Robberies Don’t Take Place at Day Time
Let me give you a small example to show you how wrong you can be.
Imagine this: You are a burglar and you need to rob a house. To ensure the best possible chance of success, won’t you do your homework before going out on a mission? And, honesltly, does it make sense to you to steal at night with all the members in the house and take the risk of getting caught?
If I were that thief, I would have been that stupid.
Compared to what is usually portrayed in movies and television shows, most burglaries do not occur in the dead of night while you are in sleeping beauty mode. Home intruders usually make their own investigations to learn how many people live inside a house, what the daily activities of the residents are and when the lights are usually switched off.
As thieves want the job to be done fast and quick, they will analyze and identify the weak points and will try to make to take advantage of them during the day.
And, it’s not what I say, but rather, according to statistics, 65 % of home invasions occur between 6 am and 6 pm, the time when most residents are at work.
#2. Hiding a Key Outside
In years past, I’d say it was more like a tradition for families to leave their keys under the doormat or maybe inside a potted plant – I’m sure you must have seen that often in some movies or TV shows, especially those from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Now, here’s the big question: Can we now, in the 21st century, hide a house key under the doormat?
Sure, of course. Oh, and please leave your address in the comment section below. I mean, it’s not like I have any special interest in breaking into your house, although I admit it might be easier to do so.
See, if I was a burglar, the first place I would look into would be definitely under the doormat, under pot plants, under rubbish bins and even in the mailbox.
Just like you and I, even thieves have brains and can look in these places for a potential spare key.
Your only chance to avoid such disaster is by keeping a spare key in your vehicle, in your wallet or as many “smart” people do, keep in a doghouse (that is, if you have one).
#3. Not Locking Doors and Windows
Long, long ago, people used to leave their doors and windows unlocked at night. Used to.
Really? Well, I know many who still do.
What if I tell you, last summer, my neighbors went away for a week and they didn’t even bother to lock their front door?
That’s right, the front door – a burglar’s first choice in point of entry.
Fortunately, there were no break-ins (maybe because they had good neighbors).
However, leaving the doors and windows unlocked is like inviting home intruders into your home.
You’ll be surprised if I tell you that as per statistics from the National Crime Statistics, 1 in 4 home robbery cases, the front door was always left unlocked.
And, if you are not careful enough, your home might be their next target.
#4. Too Much Sharing
Ask me one thing that I don’t like about this modern era and I’d tell you, without a doubt, social media.
Today’s Marv and Harry won’t come to your house dressed like cops and ask you about your vacation schedule. Instead, they will be tracking down your social media accounts and waiting for hashtags such as #vacation or #summer break – clues that will give you away.
Posting your daily activities or your vacations everywhere on Facebook or Instagram will expose you to certain risks.
If you avoid these mistakes, you’ll never have to wonder about “how the hell did the burglars break in your house?”