Are Wireless Security Cameras More Effective than Wired?

There are many different security systems available on the market today, which often leads to confusion for the consumer. One area that many consumers have a hard time deciding on is whether to get a wired security camera system or a wireless one. This article aims to help you make that decision with some important information about both systems.
Wired Security Cameras
As the name implies, a wired security camera transmits data to the DVR (recording device) and monitoring station via a cable. While systems like this can take a little more time to set up, they have a variety of benefits. It starts with the fact that it is rare that a wired security camera will encounter any interference. This means that other wireless devices in the area won’t hurt the signal going to your cameras.
The lack of interference also has another benefit. Criminals will have a harder time jamming wired security cameras as they don’t have a radio frequency that can be blocked, meaning that a criminal will have to cut the cable in order to make the camera stop recording.

It seems counter intuitive, but a wired system is often the best option for a larger home. Cables will have to be run throughout the home, which at first glance does not sound like a good option. However, with a cable that connects the camera to the system, there is no chance of your camera being out of range. A wireless camera on the boundaries of its signal threshold can have intermittent service, or even no service at all.
A professional wired security system can utilize a battery backup in the case of an emergency. This means that you will not be without your cameras during a power outage. There is no reliance on a wireless transmitter or receiver that requires power.
Wired security cameras are typically less expensive than their wireless counterparts. That being said, if your business or home is not already set up for wired cameras, you will have to pay for a lengthier installation process that can quickly eat into the price difference. You can place wired cameras in a business and leave the wires outside of the wall to save money, but doing so also reduces the security of the camera as the cable can be easily cut.
Wireless Security Cameras
Wireless security cameras have become more popular over recent years as the quality is constantly increasing. They have a variety of benefits to them, but they also have their drawbacks. With a wireless security system, the most obvious benefit is that they are a lot quicker to set up. You don’t need to string a bunch of wires. Instead, you just mount the camera where it is within the range of the receiver.
Another benefit to wireless systems is that they can be installed in many rental locations that don’t want you placing wires in the wall. Cameras that are wireless are very easy to move. If you ever renovate your office, the cameras can be moved to accommodate a new layout. The only thing that most wireless security systems need is a power outlet in order to keep the recording unit powered. Some newer end cameras run completely on battery power. In both cases most wireless cameras do not come with a backup battery for emergencies unless the outlet is connected to an emergency generator.

An important note on wireless security cameras is that they are easier to interfere with than wired cameras. Radio signals, intentional or not, can cause the cameras to not be able to transmit. This can leave your system open to tampering. If you work in a high security business, you should have wired cameras for your safety.
Now that you know the benefits of wired and wireless security cameras you can make an informed decision on what kind of system is optimal for your workplace or home. The right system can make the difference between a secure security system and being open to intrusion. Make sure to take a moment to get the rest of the information you need to make an informed decision from trusted professionals within the security industry.