10 Ideas Under $100 to Protect Yourself From Intruders (Part 3)

This post is a continuation from Part 2 10 Ideas Under $100 to Protect Yourself From Intruders.
Lately, in Part 1, we have gone through:
1. Securing the locks: starting at $20
2. Deterrent, motion detection lights: approximately $60
3. Install fake cameras, about $35
And, in Part 2, the following was covered:
4. A safe for your valuables: from $50
5. Securing from the inside: door openers, $15 to $20
6. Door peephole, about $10
We will now cover the final part which will cover;
7. Simulate your presence: daily scheduler, from $15
8. Have your mail forwarded by mail: starting at $20
9. Securing windows: protective grills, between $20 and $50
10. Have your house watched: free of charge!
And, we will end with a few simple gestures and some common sense reflexes to avoid tempting burglars.
7. Simulate your presence: daily scheduler, from $15
Burglars are very observant of the houses they plan to “visit”. They may check to make sure your home is empty before they do so. To deter them, you can invest in a daily scheduler:
– Consisting of an outlet and a timer, this system allows you to program the switching on and off of one or more appliances. You can thus program, over the course of a day, the switching on of your television, your radio or your lamps at certain times of the day.
– This way, thieves can believe that there is someone in your home and be dissuaded from acting.
– The timer will activate the appliances until you change its setting.
– This device is very practical when you need to be away for a few days or weeks.
Note: Be careful to secure your entrances: since appliances turn on at the same time every day, a persistent burglar can quickly spot the trick.
8. Have your mail forwarded by mail: starting at $20
In order to simulate your presence, you can ask the post office to forward your mail when you are away for a long time:
– Don’t forget that burglars are very observant of the houses they are interested in. For them, the mail collected in your mailbox is an indication of your absence. Similarly, if you ask a neighbour to pick up your mail, the burglar may soon notice.
– The best thing to do is to ask the post office to hold or forward your mail while you are away:
◦ For about $20, the post office will take care of your mail for a period of one day to two months.
◦ For the forwarding, the rates vary according to the duration of your absence, and if the sending is made in metropolitan France or abroad. Count between $20 and $100.
Good to know: for around $1.50, you can also ask your operator to forward calls from your landline to your mobile, whether you are in France or abroad.
9. Securing windows: protective grills, between $20 and $50
The relatively expensive safety glazing is not the only solution for securing a window. You can also make it harder for thieves to get in by installing decorative grills on your windows:
– Aesthetic and inexpensive, they seal into the window frame, making them difficult to remove.
– While they don’t “armour” your glass, they still prevent intruders from entering your home through a window.
– These grilles are to be installed on the first-floor windows, of course, but also on the upstairs windows. Don’t underestimate burglars’ climbing techniques!
Note: If you live in an apartment, always ask your trustee or landlord if the installation of these grilles is not contrary to the building’s regulations.
For optimal security, take additional precautions:
– Do not leave your keys in the locks. If a window is near your front door, the burglar may very well put his arm between two bars, break the glass and open it from the inside.
– Install anti-unbolting strikers, a system that prevents potential thieves from unbolting the window from the outside. This equipment is worth about $5.
10. Have your house watched: free of charge!
If you are going on a long vacation, you can ask the municipal police to keep an eye on your house:
– To do so, simply ask the police station by filling out a simple form, in which you will have to specify:
◦ the dates of your absence;
◦ the person to contact in case of unforeseen circumstances;
◦ the details you need to know about your accommodation.
– A large number of communes are concerned by this operation. To find out if yours is involved, contact your local town hall.
Be careful, the patrols will not necessarily watch your home 24 hours a day. So take all the necessary precautions before leaving:
– Lock the doors and windows.
– Close the shutters.
– If you have a garden, don’t leave anything in it that could help thieves break your doors and enter your home: ladders, shovels, etc.
Of course, the surveillance is done during daily patrols, not by helicopter, ambush or other movie scenes!
Finally: a few simple gestures to adopt
While they are a great help, safety equipment isn’t everything. Also, think of adopting some common sense reflexes to avoid tempting burglars:
Protect your keys:
– Do not put a label with your name and address on your key ring. If lost, your keys could end up in the wrong hands.
– Do not leave your keys under a mat or in a flower box near the front door.
Be discreet
– If you buy multimedia equipment or household appliances, don’t leave the boxes out in the open, in plain sight, as this could inform potential thieves that you have “interesting” equipment. Prefer to cut them up and put them in garbage bags (the boxes, not the burglars, of course.)
– If you are away, don’t leave a message on your answering machine saying so. Don’t even mention how long you will be away.
– Avoid keeping large sums of money at home. If it’s unavoidable, invest in a safe.
Watch for suspicious behaviour
– If the same car passes by your house often, it may be someone watching or monitoring your home.
– If you receive a lot of anonymous calls, someone is probably trying to find out if you are home or not.
– Burglars use a code of signs and symbols to communicate with each other. It is easily found on the Internet. If you see signs on your door or on your outside walls, your house may be of interest to thieves: for example, a cross for a burglary project, a diamond to indicate that a house is unoccupied, etc.
– Burglars may pose as canvassers, water meter readers, etc., to enter your home and observe your belongings. Be vigilant, do not let just anyone in!
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